In October 2023, the ICAR-CNR and UNICAL teams within Project INSIDER met to kick off the project, which will continue until 2025.

The project INSIDER: “INtelligent ServIce Deployment for advanced
cloud-Edge integRation”
, is within the Italian PRIN 2022 initiative and financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

The INSIDER project focuses on finding innovative solutions for optimizing the use of hybrid cloud/edge infrastructures in IoT applications. The aim is to design adaptive solutions that can determine the best deployment strategy for an application, based on its functional and non-functional requirements, between cloud and edge. INSIDER will provide automatic tools to explore alternative deployment configurations and choose the best based on infrastructure constraints and service requirements. The main outcome of this project will be creating an intelligent framework that can analyze, support, and deploy IoT applications for hybrid cloud/edge infrastructures in an optimal way.

In this project, I’m both the associated investigator and leader for the ICAR-CNR unit.

We are a great team, and I’m sure we will achieve remarkable results! Stay tuned!

Some related scientific publications are given below.


Marozzo, Fabrizio; Vinci, Andrea

Design of Platform-Independent IoT Applications in the Edge-Cloud Continuum Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: Proceedings of 3rd DISCOLI Workshop on DIStributed COLlective Intelligence (DISCOLI 2024), Forthcoming.



Cesario, Eugenio; Lindia, Paolo; Vinci, Andrea

Multi-Density Crime Predictor: an approach to forecast criminal activities in multi-density crime hotspots Journal Article

In: Journal of Big Data, 2024, ISSN: 21961115.

Links | BibTeX


Mastroianni, Carlo; Plastina, Francesco; Settino, Jacopo; Vinci, Andrea

Quantum Variational Algorithms for the Allocation of Resources in a Cloud/Edge Architecture Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2024, ISSN: 26891808.

Links | BibTeX


Franco Cicirelli Irfanullah Khan, Emilio Greco

Leveraging Distributed AI for Multi-Occupancy Prediction in Cognitive Buildings Journal Article

In: Internet Of Things, 2024, ISSN: 2542-6605.

Links | BibTeX


Cesario, Eugenio; Lindia, Paolo; Vinci, Andrea

A scalable multi-density clustering approach to detect city hotspots in a smart city Journal Article

In: Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 157, pp. 226-236, 2024, ISSN: 0167-739X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Mastroianni, Carlo; Scarcello, Luigi; Vinci, Andrea

Quantum Computing Management of a Cloud/Edge Architecture Proceedings Article

In: Bartolini, Andrea; Rietveld, Kristian F. D.; Schuman, Catherine D.; Moreira, Jose (Ed.): Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2023, pp. 193–196, ACM, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Other Research Project

  • INSIDER Project

    INSIDER Project

    Associated Investigator and Unit Leader for italian PRIN INSIDER: INtelligent ServIce Deployment for advanced cloud-Edge integRation.

  • Project Project

    2022 – 2025 Unit WP Leader for Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics. Some related scientific publications are given below.

  • COGITO Project

    COGITO Project

    Unit WP Leader for PON COGITO – Dynamic and Cognitivi System to Allow Buildings to Learn And Adapt

  • GLAMOUR Project

    GLAMOUR Project

    2017-2021 GLAMOUR: Green Learning and Adaptive Multi-interface iOtenabled devices throUgh social inteRactions.

  • SuperScience Me 2020

    SuperScience Me 2020

    As for several years now, this year too I am participating in the SuperScience Me project.

  • DOMUS Project

    DOMUS Project

    Unit Activity Leader in PON Domus Techonolgical District – Project 1 – “Intelligent platform for monitoring and managing the in-home safety of people and structures.”

  • RES-NOVAE Project

    RES-NOVAE Project

    Participant to Italian Res-Novae Project: “Building Road Networks – New Virtuous Objectives for the Environment and Energy”

  • I-AMICA – Project

    I-AMICA – Project

    Trainee in I-AMICA Project: High-tech infrastructure for integrated climate-environmental monitoring