CAMELot sample session
(doc version)
Assuming the current working
directory is the top directory of the CAMELot binary distribution,
CAMELot is invoked from a UNIX shell using the command:
[X options]
Where platform is the
platform identifier (the supported platforms are
and tru64);
filename is a CARPET source file; and X options are the
standard X application command line flags (-display,-geometry,-iconic,-fn
etc). These command line arguments are optional. The CAMELot
Development Window appears on the screen. It consists of three
A Menu Bar;
An Editor subwindow with a scroll bar
in each direction;
A three-Button bar.
A user may write a program
using the editor window. Alternatively, they may open a previously
saved program file using the Open option of the File menu. After any
modifications the file must be saved using the Save or Save As option
of the File menu; if a filename has been provided, this is done
automatically when pressing the Compile button.
Program editing is facilitated
with the use of the Cut, Copy and Paste Options of the Edit menu.
Shortcuts are available for all these functions.
Figure 1: The
Development Window
When the program is ready, the
user may compile it by clicking the Compile button. A successful
compilation is followed by a pop-up window dismissible by clicking its
Dismiss button. An erroneous compilation causes a beep and a pop-up
window provides information about the error.
Figure 2:
Successful Compilation Pop-Up Window
The Build operation generates
a Unix executable file for CA execution. In order to build a file the
user must first set the configuration parameters by using the
Configure menu. These define:
The Dimensions of the CA Engine;
The number of Processes to handle the
The number of Folds into which the
task is divided.
The user can then build the
executable by pressing the Build button. The output of the C compiler
is shown to the user in a pop-up window.
Figure 3:
Successful Build Pop-Up Window
The Configure menu of the
Development Window includes a menu by which the user can initialise
the collection of statistics for the basic functions of the CA Engine.
This should be enabled before clicking the Run button. After
successful compilation and building the program, the user can invoke
the executable by clicking the Run button. This pops up the Simulation
Window which consists of three parts, a Menu bar, a Display part and a
Button bar.
Figure 4: The
Simulation Window
The State menu contains an
Initialise and a Save Option. The user may initialise a substate or
the whole state of a CA using an existing file, or save the current
status of the CA. The Setup menu allows the definition of the number
of CA evolutions to be run as well as other more advanced features,
which are described later in this section. The display part of the
window contains information about the configuration of the CA and
updates the current step when the CA is running.
There are 5 buttons on this
window. The Go and Loop buttons initialise the CA execution, the
former for a number of steps defined from the Setup menu, the latter
indefinitely (in fact for
steps). The Pause button temporarily suspends CA execution and allows
visualisation window examination, state saving or editing etc. The
user may continue the CA execution by clicking on the Resume button or
restart the execution by clicking Go or Loop. The Visualise button
allows the visualisation of a substate in various formats. The
statistics for the functions of the system are output periodically
during the run or after stopping the CA Engine execution, according to
the user’s request.
The user may close the
Simulation Window and terminate the CA Engine execution by selecting
the Close Option of the State menu. In order to exit CAMELot the user
must select the Exit option in the File menu of the Development
The CAMELot environment
supports 3 different types of Windows. We will examine them in order
of appearance when using the environment.
The Development Window pops up
when running CAMELot and, when it is closed, CAMELot exits. It
consists of three parts, a Menu Bar, the CAMELot Editor and a 3-Button
There are 4 pull-down menus.
Figure 5: The Development Window Menus.
Note that the Configure Menu is greyed out since the screenshot was
taken before compiling the file in the Editor.
The File menu offers the
following options:
Open a file;
Save a file;
Save a file As;
Load configuration;
Save Configuration;
Exit CAMELot.
The Open and Save As options
pop up a window which allows the user to navigate through the
filesystem and select the desired filename. For a file to be visible
by Open, its name must have the extension
The Save option is only available if a filename has been specified for
a file being edited. The Exit button exits CAMELot; the Delete button
usually available on X Window titlebars is disabled for this window.
Figure 6: The
File Menu
The characteristics of the
program which are set under the Configure menu of the Development
Window are automatically saved in a file named
being the full pathname of the CARPET file, every time the users saves
the CARPET file. They are automatically retrieved when the CARPET
file is Opened. In addition to this automatic facility, the Save and
Load Configuration options allow the user to explicitly save and
retrieve the configuration of the model.
The Edit menu contains the
usual options. Keyboard short-cuts or “accelerators” (in brackets) are
available for all options:
Cut (Ctrl-X);
Copy (Ctrl-C);
Paste (Ctrl-V);
Find (Ctrl-F);
Find next (Ctrl-G);
Replace (Ctrl-R).
Paste is only available after
a Cut or Copy has been issued.
Figure 7: The
Edit Menu
The Configure menu is made
available after a successful compilation. It allows the user to modify
the following parameters:
The Dimensions of the CA (x-Length,
y-Height, z-Width);
The number of Processes to handle the
The number of Folds to which the CA
is divided in the Length axis.
The C compiler pathname and flags;
The MPI run command;
The Timing output.
Figure 8: The
Configure Menu
It is worth noting that:
For best performance the Length of
the CA must be an exact multiple of the product of the number of
Processes with the number of Folds;
A 1-D CA has only the x axis
available and a 2-D CA has only the x and y axes
Starting from release 1.2 of CAMELot, XDR is used
for the file I/O, this allows CAMELot data files to be portable
between different machine architectures. The user can control the use
of XDR through the use of the C compiler command line option of the
Configure menu, shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: The C
compiler command line option pop-up menu
If the user wants to disable XDR for
the operations related with reading from file, they should define
in the C compiler flags of the C compiler command line option pop-up
If the user wants to disable XDR for
the operations related with writing to file, they should define
The user can use this facility
to translate native binary project or substate files to XDR by
applying the following:
Load and compile the corresponding
CARPET file;
Specify the appropriate dimensions
and define
-DNO_XDR_READ in the C compiler flags of the
C compiler command line option pop-up menu, then build;
Click the Run button, load the
configuration or substate files in question and then save them without
running any iterations.
Please refer to the following
sections for information about the steps mentioned in the above
Figure 10:
The Timer Configuration Menu
The CA Engine times its basic
functions, namely the execution of the update statement, steering,
visualisation, writing the system state on file and the total time
spent excluding the time spent paused or stopped. The user can use the
menu shown in Figure 10, which appears when the user clicks the Timing
output option of the configure menu, to enable or disable the output
of such results, set the period for printing them and direct the
output to a file or the standard output of the terminal from which
CAMELot was started. The format of the output is shown in Table 1.
0 Generations:
Calls Time
Best Worst
Update Function
Boundary Comm
Periodic Save
Total Execution
Table 1: Output of Timing Statistics
Setting the timing step to
zero results in the output being printed once after the CA Engine has
been terminated (not at the end of the run). If the timing step is set
to a value greater than zero, then the statistics are generated in the
specified period. The time is accounted using double precision real
numbers and is printed in floating-point representation in the
standard C format (6 decimal digits), the measuring unit being
The Generations field contains
the number of generations the output concerns. The field Calls counts
the number of calls to each of the functions. Time is the total time
taken for the calls in the Calls field. Best and Worst give the best
and worst times for the function in question. The functions accounted
are obvious. One remark is that after each iteration of the CA Engine,
the read copy of the CA is updated by means of a
memcpy call. Note that the time taken by
this call is not accounted for by the Update Function timer.
Sum gives the sum of the above times, whereas Total Execution Time
counts the time total time taken, excluding the time spent paused or
serving user requests. The Time field of Total can be less than the
time shown in Sum, if the number of iterations is small, in which case
the time taken for the initial boundary exchange is significant
compared with the total execution time. This time is part of the Sum
time but not part of Total.
The following settings can be
made using the -D pre-processor flag in the “C compiler command line”
menu option:
PROFILING: This directive enables
profiling output. Its use is explained in [Kavoussanakis et al. 1999].
It should be noted that in order for this flag to be effective, the
MPI libraries must be compiled with the
compiling enabled. The appropriate flag must be set in the “C compiler
command line” as well.
DEBUG: Provides assorted debugging messages
DEBUG_CALC_X_SIZES: Ditto for function
calc_x_sizes() (section
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.).
DEBUG_CMT_READ: Ditto for function
(section Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
DEBUG_CMT_WRITE: Ditto for function
(section Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
DEBUG_CMT_BOUNDARY_SWAP: Ditto for function
cmt_boundary_swap() (section
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.).
DEBUG_RUN: Ditto for function
(section Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
DEBUG_TX_VIS_PACK: Ditto for function
(section Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata
DEBUG_SERV_VIEW_STATE: Ditto for function
serv_view_state() (section
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.).
DEBUG_SERV_SET_STATE: Ditto for function
serv_set_state() (section
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.).
DEVELOP: More assorted messages; it was used
in the initial stages of developing the program.
EVEN_DECOMP: Assumes that even decomposition
of the model is possible. The effects of this are discussed
extensively in sections Errore. L'origine
riferimento non è stata trovata. and
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. of this
HOMOGENEOUS: A non-portable performance
optimisation which is discussed in section Errore.
L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata..
The details of the product
authors are available from the About CAMELot option of the Help menu.
Figure 11:
The Editor of the Development Window.
Note the two errors, the dimension of the
neighbor vector
and the undefined
Get directive
which will be detected in the Compile and Build processes
The user may Open a file and
use the Editor to view and modify it (Figure 11). If the file exceeds the length (80 characters) or
the height (24 characters) of the window, the user may use the
respective scrollbars or the keyboard arrow keys.
Button Bar
The available buttons are:
Figure 12: The Button Bar of the Development Window.
The only available
button is compile since the screenshot was taken before compiling the
file in the Editor and there was no configuration file available for
this program.
This button compiles the
current program in the Editor. This compilation checks for CARPET
syntactic errors and generates the C source and header files for the
specified CA model. The compiler handles both C (/*
*/) and C++ (//)
style comments. A failed compilation is accompanied by a beep; a
window is popped up containing the error messages and the cursor in
the Editor is positioned at the first line reported to contain an
error. If there is a beep but no error message is displayed then the
automatic Save has failed.
Figure 13:
Error Message on the CARPET Compiler Output Window
If a compilation fails, the
Build and Run buttons as well as the Configure menu are unavailable to
the user.
Clicking the Compile button in CAMELot 1.0 implicitly saved the CARPET
file. This feature has been disabled in release 1.1 of the software to
meet the users’ request.
This button compiles and links
the CA Engine code with the generated C source and header files for
the CA. It invokes the C compiler specified in the Configure menu and
redirects its output to the pop-up window generated. Starting from
release 1.1 of the software, the pop-up window contains an
or [ERROR]
line at the end of the message generated by the compiler, to provide
feedback about the status of the finished compilation. This is
helpful, because if the compilation is successful, the UNIX C compiler
usually generates no messages.
While the building of the
program fails, the Run button is greyed out.
This button spawns the CA Engine processes
specified in the Configuration menu using the MPI run command as it
appears in the respective option of the same menu. It also spawns the
Simulation Window discussed next and makes the Build and Run buttons
Figure 14: Error Message on the Build (C compiler)
Output Window
The Simulation Window
a Menu bar;
a Display subwindow;
a Button bar.
The Menu Bar contains three
15: The Menu Bar of the Simulation Window
This allows the whole state or
specific substates to be initialised or saved. The Close option closes
the Simulation Window as well as all the Visualisation Windows and
terminates the execution of the CA Engine.
A Substate can be saved in a
binary file using the State-Save-Substate sequence of options. In
order for the file to be subsequently detected as a substate file, it
must be saved with the extension
Saving the Configuration involves saving status-specific data in a
file with the extension
as well as all the substates in files with filenames constructed as
follows: if the Configuration filename is
the substates are saved in filenames named
Figure 16: The State Menu
The data contained in a
configuration file are:
The number of Dimensions;
The per-dimension Sizes;
The current Generation of the CA
The number of States;
The number of Folds;
The number of Global Parameters;
The values of the Global Parameters.
Information stored in
configuration or substate files can be loaded into the CA Engine using
the State-Initialise options.
The Setup Menu allows the following to be adjusted:
Steps to run the Engine;
Storage interval;
Substate editing (one cell);
Parameter editing;
Active Fold setting;
Manual setting of the per-substate
minimum and maximum values for colour mapping.
Steps: Sets the number of CA Engine
iterations to be run if the user presses the Go button.
Figure 17: The Setup Menu
Storage Interval:
Enables automatic CA Configuration saving with
the set period. This involves saving the global parameters and other
state variables in a binary file with the extension
and saving the substate data in files following the convention
described earlier in the State Menu discussion. In addition to what
stated there, the filename is prefixed with three characters denoting
the sequence of the automatic save, starting with 000. If more than
one thousand
consecutive automatic saves take place, the system overwrites the
first without warning.
In addition to the above, an
AVS field file is saved for each substate datatype, for each
invocation of the macrocell executable (not each run, the file stops
being updated when the Simulation Window is closed). These contain
information to be used by the post-processing tool which is based on
AVS/Express. The format of the field files, based in the AVS
description [AVS 1993] is shown in Table 2.
To summarise the above, the
following files are saved as a result of periodic configuration saves:
In each save, a project file with the
extension .cpj;
In each save, a data file for each
substate with the extension
In each simulation, a field file for
each substate datatype with the extension
# AVS field file
# CAMELot generated
nstep = <number of expected
ndim = <model dimension>
dim1 = <x-dimension>
dim2 = <y-dimension>
dim3 = <z-dimension>
nspace = 3
veclen = <number of associated substates>
data = <datatype of associated substates>
field = uniform
label = <names of associated substates>
time value = 1
variable 1 file = <filename> filetype = binary
variable 2 file = <filename> filetype = binary
time value = 2
Table 2:
Format of CAMELot Generated AVS Field Files |
For example, if the filename
for the periodic configuration is
and the system has three substates, two of which are of type
and one of type
one periodic save will result to the following files being saved on
It should be noted that after
choosing the filename for the Project save, the CA Engine generates a
warning if this choice will lead to files already on disk being
overwritten. If the program is not running in Batch mode (see section
0 for details), this warning is also displayed in a
pop-up window. The user can change their preference by repeating the
operation described above; otherwise, the saves will occur.
Editing: Allows the user to view and set the values of the
substates of one cell manually. The possible substate names are made
available through a menu.
Figure 18: The
Substate Editing Menu
Parameter Setting:
Allows the adjustment of a global parameter.
Parameters can be adjusted using the names they have in the program.
The possible names are made available through a menu similar to the
one shown in Figure 18.
Active Fold Setting:
Allows the definition of the first and last
active fold. This implies that the active regions can only be
considered contiguous. Folds are numbered from 0 to
illegal values are disallowed. Alternatively, the automatic inactive
region detection mechanism implemented in CAMELot allows
non-contiguous active regions and offers finer granularity. The
mechanism is automatically activated if the CARPET program contains
the statement
and the user has not set the folds manually. Once deactivated, the
automatic inactive region detection mechanism can be reactivated if
the active folds are set to maximum range under the condition that the
deterministic keyword exists in the CARPET
Figure 19: The
Substate Selection Menu
Manual setting of the per-substate
minimum and maximum values for colour mapping:
This option allows the user to override the
automatic per-substate minimum and maximum calculation executed as
part of the colour mapping strategy. Specifying the minimum and
maximum enables visualising parts of the data with greater detail.
This does not affect the evolution of the model, although it speeds up
the visualisation process. The system reverts to the automatic
mechanism if the users clicks on the Auto button of the menu (Figure
Figure 20:
Manual Per-Substate Minimum and Maximum Value Setting Menu
Displays the current values of
the following:
The Dimensions;
The Current Step of the CA Engine;
The Periodic Storage Interval;
The number of Folds. N.B.:
“Folds: 1” indicates that no partitioning into multiple folds was done
at compile time; i.e.. the CA is considered to consist of one single
Figure 21: The
Display Part of the Simulation Window
Button Bar
The available buttons are:
Figure 22: The
Button Bar of the Simulation Window
Starts the CA Engine until the generation counter reaches the number
of iterations specified in the corresponding Setup menu option. It can
be interrupted by State or Setup menu options as well as pressing any
other buttons on the Button Bar not including Resume.
Same as Go except that it starts an infinite (INT_MAX
iterations) CA evolution.
Temporarily suspends CA Engine execution. This can
be restarted with any of three buttons.
Go will restart the Engine until it
reaches the specified number of iterations;
Loop will restart the Engine for
infinite iterations;
Resume will continue the operation of
the Engine from the step where it stopped. It will Loop if Loop was
selected before Pause was pressed, or continue until the specified
(possibly revised) finishing point is reached otherwise.
Allows the initialisation of a Visualisation
window. The user is prompted to set the visualisation period and
select the substate to be visualised. In the case of a 3-D model the
user has to select one of the three available visualisation formats
discussed in the Visualisation Window Section.
N.B.: As of the release 1.1 of the
software, Go and Loop no longer zero the iteration counter.
The Visualisation Window
comprises two basic parts:
the Visualisation Space;
the Button Bar.
Important information is also
displayed in the title bar of the X window, namely the CARPET program
filename, the Visualisation Step, the name of the visualised Substate,
and the entity Coordinates.
Visualisation Space
This occupies an area of
640x640 pixels (not including the colour palette bar area). The
visualised entity is scaled so as to fit in the window. If the size
(in cells) of the visualised entity is too big to represent each cell
by at least one pixel, then the cells of the entity are sampled at
regular spatial intervals. These sampled cells are drawn as single
pixels. No averaging over the interval is performed.
The user can resize the
visualisation window. This is achieved by means of the corresponding
facility of the user’s Window Manager. If the user decreases the
visualisation space, scroll bars appear at the right-hand and bottom
sides of the window. The default size of the window is the maximum;
increasing the size further does not make the visualisation larger.
However, it is meaningful for a decreased window to be enlarged at
will, until it reaches its maximum size. This happens because resizing
the window does not cause the visualised entity to be zoomed in or
out, it only moves the borders of the window.
The colour palette currently in use is shown as a
horizontal bar at the bottom of the Visualisation Space of the window.
The minimum and maximum values for the visualised substate are shown
above this bar.
The possible types of
visualisation depend on the number of dimensions of the model:
1-D Models:
The visualisation is drawn in horizontal lines from left to right. The
vertical dimension of the window corresponds to time. The user can
therefore see how the model changes with time. When the vertical
dimension of the screen is exhausted, the visualisation restarts from
the first line overwriting the first visualisation.
2-D Models: They are represented in an
orthogonal manner, x running horizontally and y running
vertically, the origin being the bottom left corner of the window.
Figure 23: The
Possible Types of Visualisation of a 3-D Model
3-D Models: x-y, x-z
or y-z planes of a 3-D model can be displayed either as
orthographic (as above) or isometric projections. The coordinate of
the plane (i.e.. z value for an x-y plane, y
value for a x-z plane etc) is specified by the user via a
dialog box with scale widgets.
In the orthographic case,
x-y planes are displayed as above, x-z planes are displayed
with a horizontal x-axis and vertical z-axis, and y-z
planes are displayed with a vertical y-axis and horizontal z-axis.
In the isometric case, the y-axis is oriented vertically, the
x-axis is oriented upper-left to lower-right and the z-axis
lower-left to upper-right.
Figure 24:
Plane Coordinate Dialog Box
A 3-plane isometric view is
available for 3-D models. In this case, an x-y, x-z and a
y-z plane are selected by the user. If the coordinates of these
planes are denoted z1, y1, and x1
respectively and the size of the CA in the z dimension is zmax
then the x-y plane from x=0 to x=x1
and y=0 to y=y1, the x-z plane from
x=0 to x=x1 and z=z1 to z=zmax
and the y-z plane from y=0 to y=y1 and
z=z1 to z=zmax are displayed as
three faces of a cuboid with the axes oriented as for the 1-plane
isometric case. The origin is thus the lower leftmost visible vertex,
i.e.. a “left-handed” coordinate system is used.
From the above it can be
deduced that in order to visualise a substate for the entire 3-D
model, the user has to select the x and y coordinates to
be equal to the maximum value for the x and y dimensions
respectively and z=1 (x1=xmax, y1=ymax,
z1=1), as shown in Figure 24.
This contains two buttons:
Colours: Allows the
user to set the 256-colour palette to match their preference. The
default is coloured from blue (lowest value) to red (highest value),
the intermediate values mapped to cyan, green and yellow in ascending
order. A monochrome (greyscale) palette ranging from black to white is
also available. The files specifying the palette are stored with the
.pal and contain 256 lines with 3
space-separated unsigned 16-bit hexadecimal values for Red, Green and
Blue respectively, in each line. The colour in the first line is used
for background. The palette selected is shown in the colour palette
Close: Closes the
Visualisation Window; this does not affect the CA Engine execution.
The user may also close the Window from the Delete button of the
Window Manager.
A screenshot of the
Visualisation Window for the model in Figure 11 is shown in
Figure 25.
Figure 25: The Visualisation Window.
This is the output of the model in
Figure 11
after 10 iterations of the CA Engine.
The CA Engine can be invoked outside the CAMELot
environment. Limited functionality is supported. In the following
discussion we assume that the user has built the CA executable either
using the CAMELot environment or using the Makefile.batch makefile
available with the distribution
The command-line arguments available to the user
are as follows:
Initialise substate
<filename>. This suggests that the user
knows the substate index allocation done transparently in the CARPET
parser. These indices can be deduced from the
CARPET statement, as they are parsed sequentially, i.e. the first
substate given is indexed 0, the second 1 etc.
This initialises all substates
to 0.
Set the number of generations
to be run to
-s<save_step> <filename>
Enable periodic project save
to files with basename
(according to the conventions for saving a project) with period
See section for more details.
-t<time_step> <filename>
Enable periodic timing
statistics output to file
with period
If <time_step>
equals zero, then the results are output at the end of the simulation.
<filename> is set to
then the results are written to the standard output of the terminal
window where CAMELot was started. See section for more details.
Initialise the project from
This has no parameter to identify it and it must be the last argument.
If -l
or -0
have been specified it is ignored.