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- WP Leader (WP6) “Infrastructure services” and participation in the scientific activities of (WP2) “Virtual Research Laboratories” (Protocol No. 30539, dated 20230203) within the project. receives funding from European Union – NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR) – Project: “ – Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics” – Prot. IR0000013 – Avviso n. 3264 del 28/12/2021.
- Team Leader ICAR-CNR for the COGITO project (Dynamic and cognitive system to allow buildings to learn and adapt) – Obiettivo realizzativo OR2 – PON “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020 and FSC – total funding amount: 8.585.926,64 € number protocol: ARS01_00836 project
- ICAR-CNR Coordinator for the activity (work unit) A5.2 “Definition and design of a video analysis system” of the OR5 “Video surveillance and image processing” of the DOMUS district (PON03PE_00050_1 DOMUS TECNOLOGICAL DISTRICT – Project 1, “Intelligent platform for monitoring and managing in-home security of people and facilities” – “PON Research and Competitiveness Program 2007-2013” – D.D. Notice 956 of 18/03/2014. CUP B28C14000040005, Total Project Cost : 4,999,998.95 ICAR-CNR Cost : 988.291.84;) 01-06-2016 to 30-06-2017
- Participation in the COGITO project: Dynamic and cognitive system to allow buildings to learn and adapt (PON “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020 and FSC – total funding amount: 8,585,926.64 th protocol number: Project ARS01_00836). Activities: The COGITO project focuses on integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) with dynamic cognitive systems with the aim of improving the management of public and residential buildings with cognitive capabilities. Activity period: 01/06/2018 – in progress.
- Participation in the GLAMOUR project: Green Learning and Adaptive Multi-interface iOt enabled devices throUgh social inteRactions (protocol 52491, date 17/02/2017 -
- Participation in the DOMUS district. The DOMUS District (District of InfOrmatic Technologies and Communication for the Development of Intelligent and Sustainable Environments) and, in particular, the “DOMUS – Domotics for Security” project, on which Antonio Guerrieri worked, aimed to create a social & pervasive smart environment that through the technologies of The Environment Intelligence and Social Internet of Things is able to ensure the security of people especially of convalescents, disabled and elderly) in their own homes and facilities in relation to particular events such as seismic events. In particular, the project aims to develop, with in-depth studies, home automation towards the concept of intelligent home not only in the sense of automated plant management but as a support to the realization of a safe and comfortable environment, through coordinated management of plants and remote monitoring of the physical condition of structures and occupants. The district is attended by partners such as Telecom Italia S.p.a., University of Calabria, University of the Mediterranean Of Reggio Calabria, ICAR CNR, SI-IES SRL.
- Participation in the BodyCloud project ( The BodyCloud project, whose extended name is “Methods and Architecture for Cloud Computing Integration with Wearable Sensor Networks”, aims to develop a decentralized, Cloud Computing-based infrastructure for managing data streams from body sensor networks (BSNs). As part of this project, Antonio Guerrieri had an 18-month research cheque (September2013 – April 2015).
- Participation in the ENIAC-E2SG project. The ENIAC-funded Energy to Smart Grid (E2SG) project aims to design and implement mechanisms and policies to monitor and control smart grids with the primary goal of generating, exchanging and consuming electricity as efficiently as possible. Antonio Guerrieri’s participation was primarily about the design and implementation of a control system based on wireless sensor and actuators (WSAN) networks to be used in that part of the smart grid that is located inside the buildings, the so-called “Intra-GRID”.
For its quality and good achievement, the project was awarded the “ENIAC JU Innovation Award” at the European Nanoelectronics Forum 2015.
- Participation in the TETRisproject. The TETRis project, TETRA Innovative Open Source Services, aims to create a framework that allows the construction of innovative technological components that exploit the potential of both the TETRA network and the corresponding commercial networks to create complex and articulated Smart Environment, intended as fundamental elements of and constituting a Smart Country / Smart City, aimed at the delivery of advanced services such as emergency management, environmental control, mobility in the area other utilities typical of public administrations operating in urban areas and in general in the territory.
TETRis aims to enrich teTRA communication system-based functions, services, applications and the interconnection capabilities of innovative services that take advantage of the most effective features of TETRA and other networks involved in the realization of the Internet of the future, creating a technological framework and a humus of skills that will enable the development of high value added services through the cooperation of smart devices operators and users of services, all identifiable,i n this optics,such as Smart Objects (Internet of People, Things and Services).
The project is supported by MIUR and is part of the“P.O.N. Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013”projects. The actors involved in the project are Selex-Elsag, Orangee S.r.l., TSC Consulting, Exeura, Sinapsys, ICAR-CNR, University of Calabria.
- Participation in the Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence (, ICT, Framework 7, European Project CONET (CooperatingObjects Network of Excellence) as part of the RecognizingEmotions using Wireless Sensor Networks (REWSN) Research Cluster. The goal of the REWSN cluster is to study the applications of cooperative techniques between Body Sensor Network (BSN) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for human emotion recognition.
- Participation in the ACOSO project. ACOSO (Agent-based COoperating Smart Objects – isan agent-oriented middleware for developing, managing, and deploying cooperative SOs. These smart objects offer distributed computation, proactivity, knowledge management and interaction between SOs/sensors/actuators. ACOSO provides basic and advanced services, facilitating the interaction between SOs and external actors (users, devices, Internet services), hiding the complexity of underlying mechanisms and technological heterogeneity. The middleware agent-based solution also allows you to support different languages and platforms (JADE, JADEX, LEAP, MAPS) that can be located at the base of heterogeneous computer systems (computers, smartphones, and sensor nodes).
- Participation in the BMF project. BMF (Building Management Framework – is a software framework that allowsseveral applications, reconfigurable at runtime, on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) formed by heterogeneous nodes. The BMF’s objective is the management of buildings with a particular interest in energy savings. The BMF currently supports TinyOS and SunSPOT nodes for the WSAN part and is implemented in Java, meeting the OSGi specification (there is also a standard java API) for the server part. The bodies involved in the project are the Clarity Centre (UCD, University College Dublin) and the University of Calabria.
- Participation in the MAPS project. MAPS (Mobile Agent Platform for SUN Spot – to build an innovative agent platform(as well as the first in Java) for programming wireless sensor networks based on SunSPOT technologies. In particular, a component-based and event-based system is deployed on each sensor node that manages the life cycle of agents as well as their interactions and migrations.
- Participation in the SPINE project. SPINE (Signal Processing in Node Environment – is a software framework for building applications for Wireless Sensor Networks. SPINE enables efficient implementations of signal processing algorithms for analysis and classification of data, from sensors, through calculation libraries, utility functions and protocols. SPINE currently includes a feature extraction library; an over-the-air communication protocol that allows the coordinator of a WSN to dynamically request the calculation of specific features to sensor nodes; a number of utility functions. The node part of the framework is implemented in TinyOS while the server part is implemented in Java. SPINE is a free software distributed by Telecom Italia, owner of the copyright, in an open source version in the terms of LGPL. The bodies involved in the project are: Telecom Italia Lab, Pirelli/Telecom WSN LAB (Berkeley), UC California (Berkeley), University of Calabria, University of Texas (Dallas).