I am a software and network engineer. Now I'm working with the National Center of Research (ICAR) area networking in Cosenza as the network manager.
I graduated from the University of Calabria, specifically at the DIMES with the "Culture Lab" http://culture.deis.unical.it in the
Department of Telematics.
Currently, I'm collaborating with this department on several projects related to mesh networks, and with computer science associations "Hacklab Cosenza" http://hacklab.cosenzainrete.it/ and "VerdeBinario" http://www.verdebinario.org/.
Finally, I'm a freelance columnist for Italian magazines "Linux&C" http://www.oltrelinux.com/ and "Linux Magazine" Linux Magazine Edizioni Master
and for the international magazine "BSD Magazine" http://bsdmag.org/.
I am very interested in the developments in mesh technology, security in wireless networks and the integration of complex services in MANs.
I also work on systems with a focus on RTP and Asterisk VOIP made services. Now I live in Calabria, in the deep south of Italy, but I have traveled throughout my country for work for five years. Now I'm back in my hometown. I'll see what the future holds for me...
Antonio Francesco Gentile
Personal Web Page.
tel: 0984/831738
fax: 0984/831754