CAMELot is an
environment for the programming and seamlessly parallel execution of
Cellular Automata. The system supports CARPET, a purpose-built
language for CA programming. It offers a programming environment and
a Graphical User Interface which enables the user to interact with
the system while running a simulation and to view visualisation of
the simulated data. It also includes a customisable facility to
produce traces of the simulation in a specified format thus allowing
to post-process the output of the run by means of an external tool.
The system has been developed as part of the COLOMBO Esprit project
n. 24907.
its simulator is very flexible with regard to cellular space sizes,
cell structures, neighborhood structures and cellular automata rules,
CAMELot can simulate almost all 1-, 2-D or 3-D cellular automata models.
Spezzano G.,
Talia D., "CAMELot: A Parallel Cellular Environment for Modelling
Complexity", AI*IA Notizie, no 2, pp. 9-15, June 2001.
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Spezzano G., Talia D., "The CARPET
Programming Environment for Solving
Scientific Problems on Parallel Computers " Parallel and
Distributed Computing Practices, NOVA Science Publishers, vol. 1,
n. 3, pp. 49-61, 1998.
Spezzano G., Talia D., “Designing Parallel Models of Soil
Contamination by the Carpet Language”, Future Generation Computer
Systems, North-Holland, Amsterdam, vol. 13, n. 4-5,
pp. 291-302, 1998.
Gregorio S., Rongo R., Spataro W., Spezzano G., Talia D.,
“High Performance Scientific Computing
on a Parallel Cellular Environment”,
Future Generation Computer Systems,
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G., Talia D., Di
Gregorio S., Rongo R., Spataro W., “A Parallel Cellular Tool for
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Cannataro M., Di Gregorio S., Rongo R., Spataro W., Spezzano G., Talia
D., “A Parallel Cellular Automata Environment on Multicomputers for
Computational Science”, Parallel Computing, North
Holland, vol. 21, n. 5, pp. 803-824, 1995.